Unlock Game Mastery: Exclusive Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 Cheats!

    To use cheats in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2, you need to enable the console commands. Here's a guide on how to activate and use them:

    How to Enable Cheats

    1. Press the ~ (tilde) key to open the console.
    2. Type e_cheats 1 and press Enter. This enables cheats and displays red text in the top-right corner of the screen.
    3. Note: Cheats are only available on modded profiles, and using them will mark your character as "modded" or a "cheater."

    Common Console Commands

    Below is a list of useful cheat commands and their functions:

    cht_god 1Enables God mode (invincibility).
    cht_noclip 1Allows walking through walls.
    cht_explore_levelReveals the entire map of the current level.
    cht_killallEliminates all enemies in the current level.
    cht_levelup <amount>Levels up your character by the specified amount.
    cht_give_gold <amount>Grants the specified amount of gold.
    cht_give_item <id> <amount>Spawns an item if you know its ID (e.g., potion_archibald).
    cht_clear_inventoryClears your inventory completely.
    cht_refil_potionsRefills all your potions.
    cht_reviveInstantly revives your character.
    cht_change_weather <type>Changes weather (e.g., fair, rain_2, snow_1).
    cht_clear_skillsResets all skill points allocated to your character.
    change_level <path>Moves to a specified level by its relative path (e.g., levels/testDoodad).

    Additional Notes

    • Some commands may require additional parameters (e.g., <amount> or <id>).
    • To find item IDs, use the command cht_list_all_items. The item list will be saved in your game logs folder under steamapps/common/Hammerwatch 2/Logs.
    • Modding support is still under development, so some commands might not work in the base game yet.

    Cheat Engine Option

    For more advanced cheats, you can use Cheat Engine with custom tables to unlock features like God mode, item spawning, and more.

    Enjoy experimenting with these commands while playing!