Unleash Power in Hammerwatch 2: Console Commands Guide

    Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 offers a variety of console commands that players can use to modify their gameplay experience. To access the console, press the ~ key (tilde), which is usually located below the Escape key on your keyboard.

    Enabling Cheats

    Before using most commands, you need to enable cheats by typing:

    e_cheats 1

    This will enable cheats and display a red text in the top-right corner of the screen.

    Here are some of the most useful console commands:

    • God Mode: cht_god 1
    • No Clip (Walk through walls): cht_noclip 1
    • Reveal Map: cht_explore_level
    • Kill All Enemies: cht_killall
    • Level Up: cht_levelup <amount>
    • Give Gold: cht_give_gold <amount>
    • Refill Potions: cht_refil_potions
    • Revive: cht_revive

    Advanced Commands

    For more advanced gameplay modifications:

    • Change Weather: cht_change_weather <type> (e.g., fair, rain_2, snow_1)
    • Give Item: cht_give_item <id> <amount>
    • Clear Inventory: cht_clear_inventory
    • Reset Skills: cht_clear_skills

    Game Configuration

    You can also adjust game settings using commands:

    • HDR Rendering: r_hdr
    • Shadow Quality: r_shadows (0 = off, 1 = sun only, 2 = all)
    • Smooth Scrolling: r_smooth_scrolling

    It's worth noting that while these commands exist in both the demo and full game, they may only be fully functional in the demo version as of January 2025. The developers are working on adding mod support and Steam Workshop integration, which may affect the availability and functionality of these commands in the future.